printer's copy

Printer's Copy

On Friday, I came home from work to my book (the printer's copy sent by my publisher) and to a nice bottle of pro secco, which Rob had dashed out to buy after he picked up the mail. 

It was too dark to take a photo until the next day, so we have to settle for some tea and cookies. (The mugs are the ones from the Museum of Bags and Purses, again). 

I love the way the book feels. It's glossy but not too glossy. The typesetting is lovely, easy to read. What's funny is that even though I very well know it's not a long book, it was surprising to see how slim it ends up being. This is just because I've been used to working with the huge slug of paper that was the manuscript. The book should arrive next week at the bookstore for my launch on October 14th, and soon will be sent out hither and thither. 

Am I nervous? Oh, yes! But a little less so now that I have the book in my hands.

On Saturday Rob and Chloe went out to the art store to buy supplies, and I took the opportunity to read a few passages out to the dog. He seemed to like what he heard.